Null's Brawl

Null's Brawl updated the server to the latest version 47.200. The game has 63 characters, new skins, gadgets and passives. Also added a new mode.

Update 12/17/2022. Mandy, Chester, Gray (Season 16) - Added to the game. The server has been upgraded to version 47.200.

New updates are released within 1 week after the launch of the new season of Brawl Stars.

What is the uniqueness of Nulls Brawl?

Unlike the original game, a private server allows you to open all brawlers for free, without waiting and without buying gems for real money. There are other differences as well:

62+ fighters, all gadgets, passives and skins (they can be opened through the store);

Available to play online with friends;

Multiplayer with real players, not bots;

Endless gems, gold, crates;

Another rating system for winning battles;

Maps and modes change faster;


What's in the latest version 47.200

After installing Nulls Brawl with Mandy, Chester, Gray - go to the store menu, click "Unlock All", after rebooting - "Upgrade All".

3 new brawlers: Mandy, Chester, Gray with gadgets and passives.

16 skins.

New character leveling system.

While the boxes will remain in the game.


Mandy is the shooter with the longest ranged attack in the game. If she moves, the range is reduced to normal.

Super Mandy is a death ray that can reach the opposite side of the map.


The main attack consists of three stages: on the first attack, he shoots one projectile, on the second - three, and on the third - five.

Chester is the first fighter with a random Super, there are 5 types in total. They appear randomly.



Gray can create two portals and teleport himself and the fighters. The first portal appears where Gray is. And he places the second one with the help of Super.



When will there be a new version?

Work on the new version of Nulls Brawl starts ONLY after the release of the update in Brawl Stars. After that, it takes 1-2 weeks to implement new content on a private server.

How to update?

Download the latest version and don't uninstall the old app to keep your progress.

How to open all characters, gadgets and passives?

Go to the store and click "Unlock all" and "Upgrade All".

Can be installed on PC?

Yes, but there are crashes on some emulators.

How to activate Brawl Pass?

All items, brawlers, badges from Brawl Pass are available after upgrading your account through the store menu.

Contact us if you have questions:

@Opasniy_chel (TG)

@BrawlModsSupport (TG)


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