Features of BSD Brawl Mod
Antiban - the game does not see that there was a modification of the files.
It is possible to invite players to a room without being the leader.
Ability to activate hidden modifiers (only in the map editor, except for "hide and seek")
Displays the number of attempts required before a GUARANTEED drop of a fighter of a certain rarity (a regular box is equal to 1 attempt, a large box is 3, a mega box is 10). Displayed in the information about the box (where the drop chances are indicated)
Sound when inviting and requesting to join the team, so as not to miss if you left
Ability to use all buttons in ready mode
Theme switcher in settings. Allows you to select any ever existing background in the menu, music and boot screen
Copying a gamertag by clicking on it in the profile
Status switcher (including hidden ones)
Ability to send a quick message "Do you want to chat?" with unmuted chat
Ability to scroll up to the first season of the Brawl Pass. In addition, it will be possible to pick up a large box for 1 bp level that you did not go through. Do this at your own risk, we can't guarantee anything here.
Mod menu: part of the mod functions is opened through the button in the settings (MOD MENU)
Mod settings: you will be able to enable/disable some features of the mod through the button in the settings (MOD SETTINGS)
Possibility to switch to the Stage-server (developers' test server). Unstable, may need to clear app data
The ability to start the drop animation of any character (visually)
The ability to start the animation of the purchase of any skin (visually)
Reduced clone of Leon to distinguish him from the real one
Ability to set the background from the main menu as the main background in the whole game (all standard blue backgrounds, such as those in the character selection menu, will be replaced with a background from the lobby)
The ability to visually set a shimmering name in the profile, as with a purchased brawl pass
Ability to collapse a team invitation without dismissing it by tapping on an empty space on the screen
Ability to turn on / off black frames around the edges of the screen in sd
Stroke switch for characters/skins (it will be possible to remove the stroke without installing other mods)
Ability to disable censorship in chat
Ability to enable/disable icon animation
Nani's Ult Walk Switch
Ability to enable slow-mo right in the game (all animations will slow down by 4 times)
The ability to enable the display of all (including remote) maps and modes in a friendly game. Also, they can be offered in the chat.
Ability to enable emoji hacking from SKIN PACKS that ONLY work in team chat
Full skin changer: you can install any skins on any characters (visually; textures and skin models will be changed for all players, not just you)
Ability to change/disable labels in the lobby